Youth Wellness & Prevention Partnership | Amoskeag Health
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Amoskeag Health is proud to partner with Makin' It Happen, the YMCA of Greater Manchester, and the Boys and Girls Club of Manchester to offer the Botvin LifeSkills program to at-risk youth in our community. This evidence-based program, led by trained facilitators, teaches young people important life skills to help them make healthier choices and reduce risky behaviors.


Makin' It Happen also coordinates the Substance Use and Mental Health Prevention Collaborative, a group of community partners who meet monthly to explore new ways to expand prevention programs in Manchester. These partners are key to the success of the Botvin LifeSkills program, playing a vital role in its implementation.


Amoskeag Health has also teamed up with Catalyst Evaluation Group, experts in data collection and evaluation. This partnership ensures we can track progress, report findings, and keep the community, stakeholders, and SAMHSA up-to-date on the program's outcomes.


Please check back regularly for the latest information on this important initiative and its impact on our community.

Interested in Joining the Manchester Youth Wellness and Prevention Collaborative as a Stakeholder? Have Questions About Our Prevention Framework and Programs?

Please contact Emily Carrara, CRSW Substance Use Prevention and Recovery Programming Supervisor by phone at 603-782-6259, or by email at

Building Stronger Futures: A Collaborative Approach to Prevention

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