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Case Management Paints a Bright Future

Although Case Management is not a billable service to insurance companies, it's vital for Amoskeag Health patients. Case managers are available at each doctor's appointment to help families navigate legal and financial challenges they might face such as domestic violence and food insecurity. The following testimonial was shared anonymously by one of our case managers to protect the family's identity.


mom and child

One of my most impactful stories involves a mother of four from Pakistan whose primary language is Punjabi. Her primary care provider at Amoskeag Health noticed signs of domestic violence and asked her for permission to connect with a case manager. Once I spoke with her, I discovered that her husband harmed her physically, in addition to one of her children.

Immediately, I connected her to domestic violence resources and helped her navigate the court system—initiating a divorce and physical protection from her now ex-husband.

A little while later, I received a distraught phone call from the mom. She’d received a letter from DHHS notifying her that she was being investigated for fraud—she was terrified that this would jeopardize her ability to remain in the country and care for her children. I was able to calm her down and connect her with NH Legal Assistance where she learned that her ex-husband had put himself down as head of household and was still receiving the benefits even though they were divorced. I helped her work with NH Legal Assistance; together, we restored her Medicaid and SNAP benefits and closed the fraud investigation!

Now, I’ve connected her with an employment training program so that she can continue taking steps to self-sufficiency and creating a safe, stable home for her children. The American legal system is challenging for anyone let alone a scared mother of four who speaks English as a second language. I’m honored and grateful that I helped her on the path to a successful future.

~Amoskeag Health Case Manager


Your donation covers our case managers' salaries. Every dollar we receive allows us to continue the work that makes a brighter future for someone who is trying to navigate a tough situation, like this family. We want to continue sharing these impactful stories next year, and your donation ensures that everyone who seeks help receives it.

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