We've seen an increase in illness in our community. Learn easy ways to keep you and your family healthy during cold and flu season. Click here to learn more.

Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health
What is LAUNCH?

LAUNCH is designed to connect you with resources and services to help support your child’s growth and development. This program is offered at no charge to all Amoskeag Health patients with children 0-8 years of age.
LAUNCH is a clinic-based program, which means our "LAUNCH Navigators" work directly with parents and caregivers to discover and navigate local resources for childcare assistance, food access, housing assistance, and more. We provide referrals and set up ongoing support to make sure you have everything you need.
Just a Few of the Many Reasons You Might Enroll in LAUNCH...
You want to access resources that are available to you and your family
You have children 0 - 8 years of age
You are new to the community
You want to connect with other families in Greater Manchester
No matter the reason, if you're seeking connection and support as a caregiver of children eight years old and under, we're here for you. Interested in more information?
Free Developmental Screenings
Completing the development screenings during your child's first year of life helps you understand your child's milestones, learn what they are focused on and what skills you will see developing soon.​​
Screening can be completed in
30 minutes. -
Results over the phone or in person.
Activity ideas provided to support your child's development.
Want to learn more about helping your child reach age-appropriate milestones? Contact Amoskeag Health Navigators at (603)851-6845 to learn more and to schedule your child's first screening.

Early Childhood Region 4
The Early Childhood Region 4 is led by the LAUNCH Region 4 Leadership Team who helps support initiatives addressing early childhood in Greater Manchester and Greater Derry. The team contributes to the development of a statewide comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable early childhood system that prepares children for kindergarten and academic achievement; fosters safe, healthy, and engaged families; and promotes social and emotional health and well-being.
Manchester LAUNCH Family Wellness Collaborative (LFWC)
To provide primary prevention events, the Manchester LAUNCH Family Wellness Collaborative (LFWC) brings together a multi-sector coalition of partners.
LFWC partners promote cross-sector collaboration and communication to improve family wellness and resiliency. Manchester LFWC attends community-based events with information on child development, community resources, programs, and information in collaboration with partners

The Early Learning Collaborative
Early Learning Collaboratives offer a space for childcare centers and family-based center directors to convene.
These collaborations offer chances to:
Participate in monthly meetings for programs in Region 4 to support and discuss current trends related to childcare in NH.
Learn about new resources for programs and children in their region.
Receive support from likeminded individuals in a safe space to discuss the challenges that early childhood development programs face.
Interested in learning more about our programs or getting involved with our community impact? Email CommunityInitiatives@AmoskeagHealth.org